What Is Sepsis? How Does It Happen and What Are the Next Steps?

The diagnosis Sepsis written on a clipboard

Sepsis is not a disease, but your body’s response to an infection. A lot of people don’t understand what sepsis is or what causes it. What Is Sepsis? Sepsis happens when your body overreacts to an infection, causing changes that can damage any part of your body. It can progress to septic shock and ultimately…

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I’m a victim of amputation negligence. What can I do about it?

Mistakes are made every day in hospitals across America. While none of these occurrences are acceptable, amputation negligence is one of the most disastrous forms of malpractice that could occur. It’s so detrimental, in fact, that it’s one of the few mistakes commonly referred to as ‘never events’ – meaning there’s never an excuse for their occurrence.

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