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Understanding pitocin side effects and how to start a malpractice lawsuit

Injury to a mother and her unborn or newborn baby during the delivery process can occur due to several reasons. Some situations are unavoidable even with the best course of treatment, but there are situations when doctors make mistakes, particularly when using Pitocin to induce labor.

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Signs of fetal distress did your doctor miss something

Pregnancy doesn’t always go as smoothly and incident-free as you would hope. Sometimes there are complications that you never expected to happen, at which point you’re supposed to be able to rely on your medical team for answers.

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Lack of oxygen to the brain medical negligence

Babies that don’t receive enough oxygen during the birthing process can remain with severe physical or development difficulties.

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Cerebral anoxia and how to implement a malpractice lawsuit

If you haven’t heard of cerebral anoxia, it’s no surprise. While not widely known, the effects of this type of brain injury are devastating to the sufferer and those who love them.

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My Baby Has Cerebral Palsy Can I Sue

Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition that can develop in utero or shortly after birth. When you get the news that your newborn child has this condition, you may be feeling angry or scared on top of all the other feelings that come from having just brought a new life into the world.

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Medical Oxygen Deprivation Do You Have a Malpractice Case

Babies are born every day with no complications via a smooth delivery. However, in some cases, oxygen deprivation during birth can lead to numerous problems, resulting in lifelong physical and psychological medical issues — and even death — for a newborn.

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Meconium Aspiration Do You Have a Medical Malpractice Case

If your child suffered from meconium aspiration syndrome at birth, he or she might struggle with various physical and psychological injuries that can last a lifetime. These injuries might be due to the actions or even the negligence of a medical professional.

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Placental Separation: When It’s the Doctor’s Fault and What You Can Do

Finding out you are pregnant and expecting a baby should be a joyous occasion. It’s a time to make plans for the future and imagine who your new little one will end up growing to be.

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2019 Leadership in Law Awards

Weltchek Mallahan & Weltchek has just been announced as The Daily Record’s 2019 Leadership in Law Award recipient. This award is dedicated to commemorating Maryland’s active legal professionals, whose drive and passion resonate within their occupation and the greater community.

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