A Law Firm that Excels in Maryland Birth Injury Cases

Call 410-825-5287 for a free medical malpractice consultation

Many problems that occur at birth may not be the result of so-called birth defects, but can come from delivery room errors. Even if doctors or other medical personnel claim that your newborn has one or more birth defects, negligence in the delivery room can either cause or exacerbate many different problems, causing both you and your child to suffer.



At Weltchek Mallahan & Weltchek, we are familiar with all different types of delivery room errors and will fight for you and your family to get the justice you deserve. Birth injuries in Maryland not only occur in hospitals, but can also be the result of improper prenatal or neonatal care. Improper monitoring, failure to take action when problems occur, incorrect medications, improper use of delivery instruments and more can result in birth injuries.

Common types of birth injuries include, but are not limited to:

  • Brain damage, sulting from lack of oxygen, commonly known as birth asphyxia
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb's palsy and other nerve problems
  • Untreated infections in the mother passed to the baby, causing additional complications
  • Hematomas or brain bleeds
  • Untreated jaundice
  • Improper C-sections
  • Undiagnosed preeclampsia and other maternal conditions

Medical personnel often cover up negligence to make birth injuries appear as genetic defects. Our lawyers have years of experience in handling birth injury cases and know how to get answers to difficult questions that determine the differences between medical personnel error and genetic problems. Our solid skills in birth injury litigation include consultation with top neurologists, neuroradiologists, obstetricians, labor nurses, child development specialists and other medical personnel to provide testimony and help you win your case.

Accolades for Weltchek Mallahan & Weltchek




We’re here to help answer your questions. Judicial matters can be complicated, our experts are on hand to help inform you of every aspect regarding your topic.

We take great pride in using our expertise for you and look forward to hearing from you.

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