Why You May Have a Birth Injury Claim
Call 410-825-5287 for a free medical malpractice consultation
Every year in the United States there are at least 44,000 deaths as the result of medical errors, according to a report by the Institute of Medicine. That figure could actually go as high as 98,000. Medical malpractice or negligence by physicians in their diagnosis and/or treatment of fetal distress can be summarized in the following common categories:
- Wrongly interpreting the test results of monitoring
- Failure to appropriately monitor the fetus
- Not properly identifying fetal distress signs
- Not recommending proper treatment options for complications that can cause fetal distress
- Failure to order a cesarean delivery when indicators show the fetus to be in distress
- Not properly following up with the patient
This list is by no means exhaustive. Malpractice can encompass many other forms. If you believe that a medical professional such as a doctor, nurse, hospital or other medical care provider did not properly detect and/or treat your child's fetal distress, you should immediately contact us using our form on the right hand side.
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