Placental Abruption Lawyer
Call 410-825-5287 for a free medical malpractice consultation
Placental abruption is a serious pregnancy complication. The placenta lining can separate from the uterus of the mother in the last twelve weeks before delivery, which can cut off a baby’s oxygen supply and nutrients. Placental abruption can cause serious issues in the mother’s body because the condition can cause heavy bleeding. The hemorrhaging can result in urgent blood transfusions and medication to assist in uterus contraction. The mother can also have several serious issues after delivery, including blood clotting and shock. There are several symptoms and risk factors that can signify a possible placental abruption, such as uterine scarring, short umbilical cord, and abdominal trauma. If this complication is not treated quickly, the baby can be injured.
For a free consultation call: 410-825-5287
If your baby has been severely injured as a result of a doctor’s failure to diagnose or treat placenta abruption, contact the Weltchek Mallahan & Weltchek law firm of Baltimore, Maryland. You may be able to receive compensation from the medical professions involved in the injury. They need to be held responsible for your baby’s health issues. A placenta abruption lawyer can assist through your family’s difficult times.
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