Birth Injuries: Medical Mistakes or Acts of Nature?
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One of the most difficult things to do is to determine whether the doctor made a mistake or if the birth defect is nothing more than an act of nature. Family members will want answers so that any responsible party can be held accountable. While there are cases when a birth defect could not have been prevented, foreseen or avoided, there are many other times when the actions or inaction of a medical professional result in the injury.
Parents of children with birth defects are encouraged to follow their own intuition. If you believe that the hospital staff or your doctor made a mistake, then you should consult with an experienced professional as soon as possible. Over time, witnesses may become harder to locate and evidence will become so we can get more difficult to find. Many states also have a statute of limitations regarding birth defects and medical negligence. You can work with expert medical consultants to uncover the truth and come to a better understanding of why your child was injured. The same consultants can also provide you with advice on how to best protect your child’s interest now and in the future.
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